Title: The Good Person of Szechwan
Date of Premier: 6th of April 1957
Site of Premier: Katona József Színház (Studio of the Nemzeti Színház)
Director: Gellért Endre
Author: Bertolt Brecht
Composer: Paul Dessau
Translation: Nemes Nagy Ágnes
Set Design: Toncz Tibor
Costume Design: Nagyajtay Teréz
Ensemble: Nemzeti Színház, Budapest
Actors: Ladányi Ferenc (First God), Kemény László (Second God), Tompa Sándor (Third God), Mészáros Ági (Shen Te), Gózon Gyula (Wang), Ungvári László (Yang Sun), Makay Margit (Mrs Yang), Apáthi Imre (Shu Fu), Fónay Márta (Mi Chu), Majláth Mária (Shin), Rajz János (Li To), Siménfalvy Sándor (Deng), Antal Erzsébet (Mrs Deng), Barsi Béla (The Husband), Orbán Viola (The Wife), Holl János (The Nephew), Keresztesi Béla (The Brother), Apor Noémi (The Sister-in-Law), Kővári Vera (The Niece), Bodonyi Béla (The Grandfather), Cser Géza (The Child), Suka Sándor (Policeman), Bornemissza Éva (Old Whore), Garas Dezső (Official), Tassy András (Unemployed), Harkányi Endre (Waiter), Árosi Aladár (A Gentleman).
Analysis by: Kiss Gabriella