How to cite:
Theatron 16, 3. sz. (2022): 133–146.
Cím/Title (HUN):
A templom lépcsője. Moszkva–Drezda, 1912
Cím/Title (ENG):
The Temple Staircase (Moscow-Dresden, 1912)
The paper traces the steps in Edward Gordon Craig’s exploration of the original principles of theatre. Craig invoked the myth of the theatre’s origins to make sense of the art of the visible, a tangible presence, and wanted it to use its own means to show itself. He imagined the theatre as an organisation of space, an ensemble of buildings, silhouettes, and light, which is essentially a theatre of silence, where the text takes on a different role than before, the drama takes on a plastic and musical form, and the actor is transformed from interpreter to a body that denies the artificiality of the stage.
Edward Gordon Craig, Adolphe Appia, Übermarionett, mimesis, Jaques-Dalcroze.