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Szerző/Author: Fekete Norbert (Miskolci Egyetem)
E-mail: norbert.fekete@uni-miskolc.hu
Rövid életrajz/Bio: Fekete Norbert, PhD fokozatát a Miskolci Egyetem Irodalomtudományi Doktori Iskolájában szerezte. Jelenleg a Miskolci Egyetem és a Digitális Nemzeti Örökség Laboratóriumnak kutató munkatársa. Fő kutatási területei: Arany János hivatali levelezésének sajtó alá rendezése, illetve a 18. és 19. századi magyar irodalmi kritika története.
How to cite: Theatron 16, 2. sz. (2022): 130–135.
Cím/Title (HUN): A tragikus tudásról (Hojdák Gergely: A tragédia színeváltozása. Tragikum és medialitás a késő romantikus magyar irodalomban)
Cím/Title (ENG): The Knowledge of the Tragic (Gergely Hojdák: The Transfiguration of Tragedy: Tragicomedy and Mediality in Late Romantic Hungarian Literature)

In his volume, Gergely Hojdák analyses the critical and theoretical texts of late Romantic or early modern Hungarian literature that can be associated with tragedy, as well as contemporary tragedies, and other literary pieces that may be read as tragedies. His work is not defined as a monograph but as an interconnected chain of studies, the chapters of which may be read independently as stand-alone papers. In his studies, he seeks to answer the question of how the discourse on tragedy in the Hungarian literature of the second half of the 19th century “incorporates” the poetic, theatrical, economic, philosophical, ethical, and religious developments of the era through transmission into different genres and literary modes. To do so, he deployed the methodology of contextual reading. It is to be noted that the volume places great emphasis on the use of the perspectives of multidisciplinarity and multimediality, which have effectively helped to reinterpret tragic works and discourses.

Keywords: tragedy, multimediality, media history, romantic irony, early modern hungarian literature