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Szerző/Author: Kézér Gabriella (Művészeti Egyetem, Marosvásárhely)
E-mail: kezerballee@gmail.com
Rövid életrajz/Bio:

Kézér Gabriella, táncművész, táncpedagógus. A Magyar Táncművészeti Egyetem mesteroktatója, Berczik Sára volt növendéke. A Marosvásárhelyi Művészeti Egyetem PhD-képzésének doktorvárományosa.

How to cite: Theatron 16, 2. sz. (2022): 47–59.
Cím/Title (HUN): Berczik Sára életpályája
Cím/Title (ENG): Sára Berczik's Career

The presentation of Sára Berczik’s career is partly an exploration of the facts and events that shaped her career. The research is based on written materials and on interviews with Sára Berczik available in the National Audiovisual Archive. Firstly, it presents Sára Berczik as a versatile artist in the light of contemporary events and criticism. Secondly, it highlights the importance of her pedagogical work and the consequences of family events in her life. It gives an insight into her way of thinking, which was also greatly influenced by her music studies. It describes how she managed to keep the movement pedagogy themes of her school of art of movement alive in such a way that today it is still able to ensure the development of students who wish to dance either as a hobby or professionally, not only at an amateur but also at a professional level.

Keywords: art of movement, Sára Berczik, art, movement pedagogy, career