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Szerző/Author: Peter Magyar (Széchenyi Academy of Letters and Arts)
E-mail: pmagyar100@gmail.com
Rövid életrajz/Bio: Peter Magyar, AHA, Fellow of RIBA, between 1989 and 2011, served at three American universities as head of the architecture department, or as in Florida Atlantic, as founding director. His strong belief is that teaching has to have a constantly tested and renewed source of direct participation in the actual practice of architecture. Hence his many projects, the results of consulting with noted firms or entering competitions. Both his practice and his academic activities are conducted on the international level. His master and doctor of architecture degrees are from the Technical University of Budapest. He authored several books, Thought Palaces (1999), Thinkink (2010), Urban Innuendoes (2013), the six volumes of the Pen Zen Diaries (2015), The Making of Evergreen Architecture (2016 with Antal Lazar) and the Palladian Space-Neurons (2016) are among the latest and most important ones. In 2015 he was elected as member of the Hungarian (Széchenyi) Academy of Letters and Arts.
How to cite: Theatron Vol. 15, No. 4. (2021): 77–87.
Cím/Title (ENG): From The Bauhaus to My House: Migration of Ideas. A Personal Account

By paraphrasing Tom Wolfe’s title, I am risking the accusation, that this talk is about myself. However, I intend to use my example, as a case study.

Institutions and ideas – related to, and subjects of, this conference – played very important part in my life, from the beginning of my education up to the present time. The cyclic voyages of people and ideas travelled from east to west, and vice versa. Sometimes, their directions of movements coincided, other times pointed in opposing destinations.

Born as a Hungarian, at first I learned, that people, who wanted to obtain a special education, traveled to the West. Between the two world wars, more often – as my father also did – to Germany.

Farkas Molnár, a Weimar Bauhausean, was born forty years earlier than I. Yet, one if my professors – as a young architect – was in the same circles with him, after his return. Also, one of my high-school classmate, János Fájó, was and still is the most important follower of Lajos Kassák. And for the last 18 years, at least once, but many times twice, I am serving as guest critic at the Dessau International Architecture School, which is the anointed heir of the Bauhaus. So, my second-hand experience with the Bauhaus ideas during my education are promoted to personal involvement with them in the present time.

I hope, these outlined conditions enable me for presenting a short summary of the transferences and mutations of the Avant Garde credos, locus of their origin might have been in Germany, but their influence has been always International.