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Szerző/Author: Bánki Berta (Liszt Ferenc Zeneművészeti Egyetem)
E-mail: breznyo@gmail.com
Rövid életrajz/Bio:

Bánki Berta, fuvolaművész-tanár, a Magyar Állami Operaház zenekari művésze, a Zeneakadémia Doktori Iskolájának hallgatója és a SZÍKE (Színházi Kreativitás Eszközök) kutatócsoport tagja. Kutatásának középpontjában Melis László színházi zenéinek vizsgálata áll.

How to cite:
 Theatron 18, 3. sz. (2024): 178–183.
Cím/Title (HUN): Nyilvánosan a szamizdatvilágban. A 180-as csoport arcai (Dargay Marcell: A 180-as Csoport (1979–1990). Művek – Kontextus – Recepció)
Cím/Title (ENG): Publicly in the Culture of Samizdat. The Faces of the "Group 180" (On Marcell Dargay's Book on Group 180)

In the last decade of Hungarian state socialism, a lot of underground art groups existed, for example, Group 180. This music ensemble played an important role in the contemporary music sphere. On the one hand, they were the first performers of the American minimalist composers’ works in Hungary they also played the music of their own composers who also played in the group. On the other hand, they were political mavericks of the second public sphere, which was officially visible through their connections with neo-avant-garde artists. The author of the book on Group 180, Marcell Dargay, not only completed the huge work of writing the 23 musical analyses about the five composers’ dedicated works for Group 180, but he also presented a wide perspective of the Hungarian artistic life in the late state socialism through historical resources.

Keywords: review, second public sphere, contemporary music ensemble, cultural network, neo-avant-garde