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Szerző/Author: Anita Patonay (Perspektíva Drama Community, Budapest)
E-mail: perspektivadramamuhely@gmail.com
Rövid életrajz/Bio: Anita Patonay does research work on children’s and youth theatre performances and their pedagogical aims, especially the Theatre in Education (TIE) phenomenon in Hungary, both past and present. She is the founder of the Perspektíva Drama Community, which is the essence of her doctoral thesis research on audience perspective and her drama pedagogy in practice.
How to cite: Theatron, Vol. 17. No. 4. (2023): 40–52.
Cím/Title (ENG): The Development of Children’s and Youth Theatre in Hungary: the Path of Institutionalization and Beyond the Professional Sphere (1949–1989/1992)

It was after the Second World War and the nationalisations that autonomous theatres for children and youth and theatre performances targeting this age group were first established in Hungary. In my study, I will present the institutional history of children’s and youth theatres in the period 1949–1989/1992 and the children’s and youth theatre-makers who were amateur theatre-makers alongside the institutionalised theatres. I will give an insight into the productions that were produced during this period, the problems faced by the children’s and youth theatre community, and the contradictions that creators had to face during the period of state socialism. I will look at decisions, decrees, and laws on the medium of children’s and youth theatre productions from 1949 to 1989/1992, in order to gain a better understanding of the cultural context in which amateur theatre groups produced performances in the context of children’s and youth theatre culture, alongside the institutionalised children’s and youth theatres.

Keywords: children’s and youth theatre, state socialism, Hungarian children’s and youth theatre performances, amateur groups