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Szerző/Author: Gabriella Kiss (Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest)
E-mail: kiss.gabriella@kre.hu
Rövid életrajz/Bio: Gabriella Kiss is theatre historian, translator, drama teacher, Associate Professor at the Department of Theatre Studies, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church, Budapest and research teacher at Szent István High School, Budapest. Her focus is currently on the relationship of contemporary theatre and theatre in education.
How to cite:
Theatron, Vol. 16. No. 4. (2022): 70–80.
Cím/Title (ENG): The Perils of Creating Reality. University Stage of Szeged: Petőfi Rock, 1973

Petőfi Rock, which premiered in 1973, was an emblematic performance of the Hungarian neo-avant-garde, placing second in the amateur talent search program entitled Szóljatok szép szavak – Petőfi Sándorról! [Let Beautiful Prose Resound – On Sándor Petőfi] and being the commemorative program for March 15th at the Attila József University of Sciences in Szeged. Consequently, it is an important chapter in Hungary’s history of youth theatre. The current study reconstructs employing the Philther Method, from the ethical perspective of community theatre and education in theatre, this “nostalgic requiem” for “1848 and Hungarian freedom”.

Keywords: neo-avant-garde, youth theatre, education in theatre, ethical turn