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Szerző/Author: Bonczidai Dezső (Művészeti Egyetem, Marosvásárhely)
E-mail: dezsobonczidai@gmail.com
Rövid életrajz/Bio:

Bonczidai Dezső, az Ariel Gyermek- és Ifjúsági Színház bábszínésze és a Marosvásárhelyi Művészeti Egyetem egyetemi adjunktusa. 2021-ben doktorált színháztudományból a Marosvásárhelyi Művészeti Egyetem Doktori Iskolájában. Kutatási területe a magyar vásári bábtradíciók, ezen belül a magyar vásári bábjáték története, a Korngut-Kemény család bábos tevékenysége és az erdélyi konvencionális bábszínházi térben előadott vásári bábjátékok.

How to cite:
Theatron 16, 1. sz. (2022): 64–81.
Cím/Title (HUN): Vasilache, a román vásári kesztyűs bábjáték hőse
Cím/Title (ENG): Vasilache, Hero of the Romanian Fair Hand-puppet Plays

In my paper I will be talking about the evolution of the Romanian fair hand-puppet plays, the relationship of its hero, Vasilache, and the Karagöz plays, the appearance of Vasilache at fairs and tourneys, and the Vasilache and Mărioara plays after the regime change of ’89. The Romanian fair puppet plays splintered from puppet, and later religious puppet plays, to become an autonomous play style. According to Romanian researchers the play of puppets simplified over the course of time, and then crystallized to be the Vasilache and Mărioara show. By analyzing the traditional Romanian folk puppet hero’s evolutional history, we can note that the playing tradition was passed down from generation to generation, and the script was never written down. Current research data shows that we do not possess any evidence of folk puppeteers to have had a permanent playing spot. Furthermore, the data we have about their activities is as sporadic as the physical objects we are left with. It is very hard to reconstruct the original, traditional playing form of the folk puppeteers. The last folk puppeteer’s death caused the traditional form of the play to come to an end, the authentic style of the shows was not passed unto the next generation. Although the relevance of the Vasilache character has vanished from the puppet theater, it pops up in the repertoire of individual puppeteers, and occasionally puppet theaters.

Keywords: the play of puppets, Vasilache and Mărioara, evolutional history, folk fair puppeteers, puppetry tradition of fairs