How to cite:
Theatron 18, 2. sz. (2024): 76–81.
Cím/Title (HUN):
A dramaturgi lét aspektusai
Cím/Title (ENG):
Aspects of Being a Dramaturg
This is the story of my career as a dramaturg. I give an overview of the various aspects of being a freelance dramaturg and a dramaturg at a state theatre, and how I changed my theatrical thinking and views after my child’s birth and founded, together with my theatremaker husband, our own enterprise. I also try to emphasise how the dramaturg is perceived by the other agents of theatremaking, such as the director or the actor colleagues, with the intention of reflecting on the problematic aspects of the hierarchical structure in Hungarian theatremaking.
storytelling, hierarchy in theatre, social responsibility, self-awareness, dramaturgy