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Szerző/Author: Tasnádi István
E-mail: tasnadi.istvan@gmail.com
Rövid életrajz/Bio:

Tasnádi István (1970) Balázs Béla-díjas dráma- és forgatókönyvíró, rendező, DLA-fokozattal és színháztudományi mesterdiplomával rendelkező alkotó. Három tucat színművét tucatnyi nyelven játsszák szerte a világban. Nyelvformáló, nagysikerű filmsorozatok szerzője, nemzedékek tanára.

How to cite:
Theatron 18, 2. sz. (2024): 4–6.
Cím/Title (HUN): Az élő szerző
Cím/Title (ENG): The Living Author

Drama, as the third genre, has always been the stepchild of literary history, at least in Hungary, as reviews of drama collections have not been published very often; what is more, nowadays drama texts are rarely even published in the first place. Theatre itself could also justify drama’s right to exist, but in the post-dramatic theatrical era, the role of the text in the process of theatrical representation is constantly decreasing; as well as the role and importance of the playwright. Nowadays, new jobs are being born: streamer, YouTuber, influencer, while the playwright is slowly joining the list of dying trades alongside the weaver, the cooper, and the wheeler. At the same time, the importance of the dramaturg is increasing, since with the advance of the director’s theatre, a writer with an authentic creative language and vision is not necessarily needed in the process. The person a director really needs is an educated and empathetic professional with good language skills who can implement the director’s text-related ideas. The dramaturg is therefore an extremely useful intellectual, who is more interested in theatre than in literature.

Keywords: efficiency, staying in the background, post-dramatic, empathy, changing roles