How to cite:
Theatron 18, 3. sz. (2024): 3–9.
Cím/Title (HUN):
Barna szolgák és a cigány jósnő
Cím/Title (ENG):
Brown Servants and the Romani Fortune Teller
The study of the representation of Romani people by the majority society in Hungarian-language drama is a relatively under-researched area. In this study, I will examine “Gipsy-characters” in Hungarian canonical dramas Mihály Vörösmarty’s Csongor és Tünde and Imre Madách’s Az ember tragédiája. I will also show how Gipsy characters appeared in 19th-century dramas and provide context by examining contemporary newspaper articles. I will then examine how these characters are portrayed in different performances in terms of visuals.
Roma representation; canonical plays; fortune teller; 19th century; stereotype