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Szerző/Author: Kiliti Krisztián (Művészeti Egyetem, Marosvásárhely)
E-mail: kilitikrisztian@gmail.com
Rövid életrajz/Bio:

Kiliti Krisztián (1991), rendező, színész, dramaturg, a Marosvásárhelyi Nemzeti Színház Tompa Miklós Társulatának művészeti titkára, valamint a Marosvásárhelyi Művészeti Egyetem Doktori Iskolájának PhD-hallgatója. Szabadúszó alkotóként együttműködött több erdélyi, illetve magyarországi (független) társulattal, de dolgozott Moldovában és Bukarestben is. Kutatási területe a zenés színház, ezen belül is az erdélyi operettjátszás gyakorlata.

How to cite:
Theatron 18, 1. sz. (2024): 161–183.
Cím/Title (HUN): Domby Imre: Sylvia (Csárdáskirálynő), 1946
Cím/Title (ENG): Imre Domby: Sylvia (The Csardas Princess), 1946

The Csardas Princess, premiered on 8 June 1946, was the eleventh premiere of the newly formed Székely Theatre in Târgu Mureş. The programme of the first season of this institution, which later clearly became an art theatre, was dominated by the works of Kálmán and Lehár. The genre of operetta, as well as The Csardas Princess, had an extensive stage history in the city. Miklós Tompa, one of the founders of the Székely Theatre, was certainly aware of the significance and popularity of the work both locally and in Transylvania. However, the genre of operetta was incompatible with his blunt aspirations, so it is no coincidence that Kálmán’s most famous operetta was only staged again almost seventy years later at the National Theatre of Târgu Mureş (by the Tompa Miklós Company, which plays in Hungarian). My paper analyses the 1946 theatre production from the perspective of the Philther method.

Keywords: operetta, The Csardas Princess, Székely Theatre, Târgu Mureş, theatre in Transylvania