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Szerző/Author: Hevesi László (Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem, Budapest)
E-mail: hevesilaszlo13@gmail.com
Rövid életrajz/Bio: HEVESI LÁSZLÓ (1995), színművész, 2020-tól a Színház- és Filmművészeti Egyetem Doktori Iskolájának PhD-hallgatója. A magyar nyelvű Shylock-alakítások rendjét, hatásmechanizmusait és technikáját kutatja.
How to cite:
Theatron 17, 1. sz. (2023): 86–102.
Cím/Title (ENG): Shylock at the Commune

Jenő Ivánfi entered the Hungarian National Theatre’s stage playing the role of Shylock (Shakespeare: The Merchant of Venice) in 1919 during the Hungarian Soviet Republic era. My aim is to describe the details of his performance. In the first part of my thesis, I am defining the circumstances of the Hungarian National Thearte in the time of the Hungarian Soviet Republic. The queue of the second part of the text is from the Parisian Novel (1929) written by Dezső Szomory, which contains the actor Jenő Ivánfi as a figure appearing in three chapters. Based on the novel I am focusing on Ivánfi in two different aspects: Identity and the impressions Théâtre-Français made on him. He was willing to adapt the performance method of Théâtre-Français to the Hungarian National Theatre. Based on the acting technique of Coquelin and Mounet-Sully. Ivánfi’s encouragement could not be implemented into the Hungarian acting techniques.

Keywords: acting technique, The Merchant of Venice, Hungarian Soviet Republic, Jenő Ivánfi, Théâtre-Français